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Tapa del libro You are Gods!

You are Gods!

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Autor: John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, Gomes Texeira

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ISBN: 979-885-221-443-0

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$ 66157.41 Icono bolsa

66.16 U$S 73.51

Rochester is presented in an unmistakable way in this novel, which is set against the backdrop of the height of Roman domination, igniting the most grotesque human instincts, unleashing conflicts and persecutions that have forever marked the history of humanity.The author reveals the spark of awakening that accompanies the human soul, free in its essence, even if temporarily acting for evil, sure that he is doing the best he can.Ben Azir, a free spirit and idealist, fights against the forces of Rome to preserve Jewish laws and traditions, but struggles to see that he will have to abandon his roots if he is to agree with beloved Sibyl, a believer in the Christianity.In the immersive plot, internal conflicts, as intense as the battles, are constant and many choices will change the fate of the characters forever.We are gods! Those who can do anything!