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Tapa del libro The Process

The Process

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Autor: Huari Romero, John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester y...

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ISBN: 979-8-8690-9416-2

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$ 63412.04 Icono bolsa

63.41 U$S 70.46

Juan Gadelha doesnt find any explanation for all the accusations and suffering that are tearing apart his soul. But despite everything, he doesnt complain. Why is he so resigned? He doesnt know, but his past life in the 18th century France, as Henry Jhon Stanford, has all the answers. Traces when he used to be an egocentric and arrogant man when lived at Paris. With carriages full of goods that came from deceptions and cons, in that time Henry didnt have limits to satisfy his desires, taking over others people fortunes and he even tried to get the beautiful and already engaged Madelaine, the only woman hed ever fell in love with. Unthinkable are the paths he is about to walk through until he realizes that if life gives you rights, will also ask for success.