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Tapa del libro The Builder N.º 3 (English)

The Builder N.º 3 (English)

A Journal For The Masonic Student

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Autor: Varios autores, Varios autores

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ISBN: 9788418379574

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$ 58941.93 Icono bolsa

58.94 U$S 65.49

The Builder will be positive, but not dogmatic; open minded, but never indifferent; considerate of all, but absolutely uncompromising in respect of the principles of Freemasonry, seeking the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Critical it must be, since criticism, as Arnold defined it, is appreciation, estimate, co-operation in the search for truth. Those who write for these pages may expect to have their theories put to the test of reason and fact in the open forum of debate, which is what the seeker after truth most desires. Let the discussion be frank, free and thorough; all that the editor asks is that it be fraternal in spirit, each one keeping an open mind and a kind heart toward all his comrades in the great quest.