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Tapa del libro Psychedelics and mental health

Psychedelics and mental health

Therapeutic applications and neuroscience of psilocybin, LSD, DMT and MDMA.

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Autor: de Caso, Irene

Origen: -

Editorial: Argonowta

ISBN: 978-84-1894-331-7

Origen: -

$ 34720.78 Icono bolsa

34.72 U$S 38.58

Learn about the therapeutic uses of classical psychedelics and empathogens as revolutionary tools for neuroplasticity and mental health. Discover how they promote profoundly revealing mental states capable of restructuring our internal models of the world, reconsolidate traumatic memories and improve our social relationships. How do they affect the brain? What characteristics make these substances powerful catalysts for the psychotherapeutic process? Learn how they can help to improve severe symptoms: addictions, treatment-resistant depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress. This illustrated guide describes the most important clinical studies and will be of great interest to all medical and mental health professionals seeking to understand the cutting edge clinical applications of these molecules, as well as to individuals interested in learning about the potential of psychedelic-assisted therapies.

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de Caso, Irene Psicodélicos y salud mental Argonowta Icono disponible $ 36793.11