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Tapa del libro Poetry for humanity

Poetry for humanity

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Autor: Juan Antonio Almanado

Origen: -

Editorial: Exlibric

ISBN: 978-84-18470-56-1

Origen: -

$ 18991.36 Icono bolsa

18.99 U$S 21.10

Things are what they are and should not be expressed in any other way.This book of poems expresses, praises and denounces in general, all those affected in some way, during this terrible pandemic which we have had to endure.On the other hand, the author includes in this book two short stories, in different tones, referring, firstly, to the monotony of lockdown, and in the second one, to the difficulties of the love relationship, with a slight sense of eroticism between couples, of an almost withered marriage, stark in its reality, subtly linking both stories.The author has tried to reflect his concerns, also his fears, trying to get under the skin and into minds of the victims during the covid-19.

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