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Tapa del libro Let's separate...but let us protect our children

Let's separate...but let us protect our children

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Autor: stéphane clerget

Origen: -

Editorial: De Vecchi Ediciones

ISBN: 9781646997114

Origen: -

$ 32704.89 Icono bolsa

32.70 U$S 36.34

When parents separate, the child reacts differently according to their personality, age, and sex, but also to the family situation, the reasons for the separation and the involved amount of readjustment. Based on his credo that separation does by no means have to be synonymous with desolation, Stéphane Clerget, psychiatrist specializing in children and adolescents, responds to all the questions of parents who are concerned about protecting their child: What impact does a divorce have according to the age ofthe child? When and how should the decision be announced? What form of custody should be chosen? What mistakes should be avoided? When and how to introduce the new spouse to your children? How can grandparents be positioned in relation tothe ex-partner? How to identify the reactions of the child?Stéphane Clerget responds in a concrete and sensitive way to the questions of the child whether formulated or not and to those of the parents, but also of the grandparents, in-laws and relatives, to help each of them to put aside conflicts and think of the child's interest.

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