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Tapa del libro From the Realm  of the Shadows

From the Realm of the Shadows

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Autor: Acuña Sandoval, John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester...

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ISBN: 979-885-383-127-8

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$ 31199.74 Icono bolsa

31.20 U$S 34.67

Magic, passion, delirium, money, hatred and revenge make up the atmosphere of the amazing plot created by spiritual author Rochester and presented to readers as a beautiful lesson for those who, without realizing it, fall into uncertain paths from incarnation to incarnation.Resurrected, Dr. Zatorsky, now in the skin of a Hindu, returns to rescue Mery from the forces of evil. Will he achieve his goal or lose Mery forever?Third book of the trilogy started by "The terrifying ghost" and "In Scotlands castle".