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Tapa del libro The Return

The Return

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Autor: Machado Coelho, Coelho y otros

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ISBN: 979-8551191100

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$ 64510.19 Icono bolsa

64.51 U$S 71.68

1888. The dense England fog could not be able to extinguish the radiant exchange of glances between Henry and Margarita. Their relationship has everything to be good, different from what is happening between the young and beautiful Rosa María and the gentleman Robert, Henry´s brother. She is obliged to be married with the stringent Mr. Gonzales. Rosa Maria and Robert, two soulmates, are in front of a true love, but impossible. Cruel and merciless acts do not let them experience happiness, generating too much suffer and pain at that time. However, all should be harmonized. It is necessary to adjust the feelings. And it is in Brazil, at this time, where all of them will get together to have a new lesson and the opportunities to forgive each other.Eliana Machado Coelho and Schellida, Romances that captivate, teach, move and can change your life!

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