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Tapa del libro Balance Diet

Balance Diet

the most efficient diet against cancer

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Autor: Andrea Pereira

Origen: -

Editorial: Akademy

ISBN: 9786580008131

Origen: -

$ 30420.33 Icono bolsa

30.42 U$S 33.80

As an outstanding physician and experienced researcher, Dr. Andrea Pereira presents us with this valuable book, where she generously and didactically shares precious information for those who want to have a healthier life, prevent or even treat cancer with the fundamental help of nutrology. The text addresses complex topics clearly and objectively. Without shortcuts, it points paths among difficult, however, possible, choices. Doubt must always be resolved based on science. Very didactic, educational, and enlightening book, demonstrating how food can contribute and influence the success of treatment and prevention of relapses in cancer patients. It provides knowledge and security and becomes a source of consultation supported by scientific studies and research.

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Andrea Pereira Benditas Tierras EDIC.SELECTAS DIAMANTE Icono No disponible $ 212.15