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Tapa del libro Athena


the Warrior Queen of Yavdolo

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Autor: Davis, Helen R.

Origen: -

Editorial: Editorial Calíope

ISBN: 9788417233235

Origen: -

$ 27142.01 Icono bolsa

27.14 U$S 30.16

Athena is the princess of Yavdolo, a country on the planet known as Damlol. Damlol was founded many years ago by colonists who fled a worldwide caliphate on Earth.However, the problems on Earth have followed the colonists to their new world. The nation of Avodla wants to create a worldwide empire and crush all nations that wish to assert themselves. A brave young princess, Athena will not allow the 'powers that be' to crush her dreams for personal happiness or a prosperous nation for herself. But there are many secrets of Damlol's past, present and future that are about to be revealed.